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Keep on writing and shining bright!

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Join my Automatic Writing Experience Online Course
Charlene B

Ever since I was a child, spirituality has always meant this ‘third party’ outside of me who holds all the power and all the answers, but through my journey I am starting to find that, in part, I am this, and automatic writing has served as my introductory course to this profound life lesson. The purpose of automatic writing was not a way for me to get all the right answers from some mystical figure from up above. It is a way for me to get answers from deep within me, by shutting off the noise and understanding how I really feel.

Martin A

Automatic writing has been a game changer for me. I especially have found it helpful when I’ve had big decisions to make. For example, earlier in the year, when I had a new job opportunity that I was very indecisive about, I really dove into the automatic writing and it was amazing how after a few days of this, the clarity to make the decision to accept the job opportunity came naturally. The interesting thing is that my initial reaction to this opportunity was to decline. However, I accepted and this has led to many other great opportunities.

Rita C

Through automatic writing I was able to find clarity in my life, focus my jumbled thoughts, and quickly work through emotional issues. As a person who is constantly cooking up new ideas and has my hands in many pots, the use of automatic writing and list building has been a great way for me to reduce my anxiety and stay on task. I am now able to be laser-focused and achieve more in a day than ever before. And not to mention, I am happier than I have ever been. This practice allows me to clearly think through dilemmas, shrug off dramas, keep calm, be happy and stay goal-oriented.

Marijana J

The common theme was that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be, that things are happening exactly as they were supposed to, and to trust my intuition and my psychic abilities. The words "intuition" and "psychic" were being repeated over and over, and that was certainly new for me, but exactly what I needed to hear. So, it was a combination of automatic writing, prayer and following my intuition, which brought me to where I am today. I do feel very strongly that I am where I am supposed to be right now.



    MICHAEL SANDLER is host of the popular Inspire Nation Show, a self-help and spiritual podcast with over 20 million downloads and youtube channel with over 148K subscribers. He is a best-selling author, speaker, entrepreneur, visionary coach, and creator of Inspire Nation University and The Automatic Writing Experience online course. Through his Open Hearted Warrior training program, he has transformed thousands of lives & businesses over the course of 25 years. He is on a mission to elevate consciousness and help the world to shine bright. He is known for his affinity for the color yellow and his high-energy “WOOHOO!”